
This is Diversity Global

 “My experiences with Diversity Global provided a means for me to expand my understandings of social constructs such as race, religion, and nationality. In addition, my perspectives on sovereignty, identity, and self expression were further stretched by the rich cultural contexts we were submersed in. All of the aforementioned experiences opened my mind by challenging my presumptions. The most important things I have taken away from my experience with the program are the authentic new friendships I made with other program attendees, the depth of connection we were able to make with our host families and their communities, and an overall expanded worldview.”

 participant feedback

“…the program really is taking on the traditional things that made study abroad so far-fetched for some. For starters, the price points for these trips are unheard of. A major factor that scares people away from fulfilling their study abroad dreams is high tuition. But for extremely competitive prices, you can visit one of the non-traditional locations Diversity Global hosts programs in…”


“There’s nothing like being there…this experience opens the door for so many more opportunities for you to be an ambassador – to present those opportunities not only to students here, but wherever you may tell people about your experiences and about the study abroad program we have at the University.”

Participant Feedback

“As a black-owned business, Diversity Global is able to focus on the black experience not only by providing the experience to black Americans, but also by looking at what it means to be black in the U.S. versus in countries such as Cuba or Brazil. There’s a nuanced look at racial identity that’s truly unique.”


“What I appreciated most about the Diversity Global experience was the program directors’ ability to select respectable and knowledgeable scholars who were passionate enough to state our desires to learn, yet have enough personality to connect with us on a basic human level…it was important to me that my experience was educational but still exciting and fun. The addition of lectures as well as cultural experiences such as concerts and festivals made all the difference!”

Participant Feedback

“With their wide array of experiences to embark on, we’re sure you’ll find something that excites you.”

HBCU Travelers